Replikanto Questions
Replikanto answers to common questions
- Could a follower's ATM strategy be different from the leader's?
- How can we tell if a remote client copier has taken a leader trade?
- Is it possible to run Replikanto on a VPS?
- Is it possible to trade 1 contract on the leader and 3 contracts on followers with Replikanto?
- Can Replikanto have more than one leader account?
- How do I solve the problem Error when trying to initialize the Http Listener?
- How the ATM Strategy distribute the contracts on defined targets?
- Why a broker disconnection can happen?
- Why is the PnL between the follower accounts different?
- Why I can't see the Replikanto followers accounts?
- How do I test to see if Replikanto is copying trades to followers?
- How can I use an instrument that doesn't appear on the list?
- Why I received the "Cancellation Rejected by the Order Management System"?
- How to connect my broker accounts to the Replikanto?
- How to connect to 2 Rithmic broker connections at same time?
- Why doesn't the "Flatten All" button work?
- Can I use Replikanto with my automated strategy?
- Why can't I copy the trades to the other Replikanto via the local network?
- Why is my trade being doubled/tripled in the follower?
- How do I keep Replikanto running on an inactive workspace?
- Why was my entry order filled in the leader but not the followers?
- Why are my orders being rejected?
- My Replikanto has disappeared. What could be the cause?
- How can I remove accounts from the Replikanto?
- How to personalize the Cross Over instrument for the Cross Order feature?
- How to cross over the instrument from Mini to Micro or Micro do Mini? (Cross Order)
- How many accounts can I have as a followers?
- Can I use TradingView and copy trades to follower accounts?
- How do I save my current Replikanto settings?
- How can I copy trades using different instruments (symbols)?