FlowBots Knowledge Center
Replikanto Questions
- Could a follower's ATM strategy be different from the leader's?
- How can we tell if a remote client copier has taken a leader trade?
- Is it possible to run Replikanto on a VPS?
- Is it possible to trade 1 contract on the leader and 3 contracts on followers with Replikanto?
- Can Replikanto have more than one leader account?
- How do I solve the problem Error when trying to initialize the Http Listener?
Common Questions
- Can I buy extra licenses to give to another person?
- How to update the NinjaTrader Desktop?
- During the installation it's showing that I have duplicate methods, how can I fix it?
- How do I sign up to the FlowBots website?
- Do I need to reinstall after purchasing during the trial period?
- Why is it saying that the download file contains a virus (trojan)?